Tips for First- Time Flyers: Everything You Need to Know

I can remember the first time I booked a flight online. As a planner, I took to Google to look up tips and tricks for flying. Even when looking through the various articles online, I still felt uneasy. Your first flight can be an anxious experience as this is something new to you! 


As a psychologist, I understood that my anxiety was coming from a place of “the unknown” and that with more experiences, flying would become normal to me…. and it has!


We’ve been flying part-time since 2021 and we have gathered various tips and tricks throughout our travels. Flying is one of the areas that we have become fairly familiar with.  This guide is our personal tips and information that we have gathered through our time traveling. We hope this can help you understand all the important things you will need to know from prior to stepping into the airport to boarding the plane.



Tips & Tricks

1.       Download the Airline App: Do yourself a favor and download the app. Seriously! You can check your bags through the app, pick your seat, download a digital boarding pass, and keep up with your gate and terminal. We love having the app because we never stop at any kiosks to print off tickets! You simply download your ticket and scan straight from your phone. The app will send you texts and reminders and updated information, such as a gate change (which typically happens quite often).

2.       Online Check-In: If you are reading this article, I’m going to assume you have already booked your tickets. We regularly fly with Delta and American Airlines (those are our go to’s) but most airlines will allow you to check in online up to 24 hours before your flight. This can be done by downloading the app and simply clicking the check-in button at least 24 hours before your flight.

3.       Arrive Early: There is a rule of thumb that we have always heard when flying. Arrive two hours before your scheduled flight departure for domestic flights. That means flights within the USA or the country you reside in. Arrive three hours before any international flights. Arriving early is always best because it will truly ease your mind and you get to check out some of the airport that you will be flying out of.


With TSA pre-check (additional cost to you), you wouldn’t need to arrive that early as you are skipping the large lines at the airport security checkpoints. TSA precheck is definitely worth it if you are planning to fly multiple times a year… if flying won’t be a typical activity of yours, the precheck isn’t really worth it.


TIP:  Your flight does not board at the time located on your ticket. That time is your departure time. Instead, you will be boarding 30-45 minutes prior to your departure time. It is so important to know that boarding will close around 10-15 minutes before the departure time! It is always good to find your gate and hang out there until it is your groups time to board the plane.


4.       Review TSA Prohibited Items: It is always good to be familiar with which items are prohibited. It is also good to be familiar with what items are ok for checked bags and which items are ok for carry-ons. You can bring your own snacks, but you can’t bring your own drinks. Make sure to empty any bottle you have with you! If you plan to bring liquids, they must be in your checked bag if they are over 3.5 oz. You can take as many 3.5 oz bottles onto the plane with you… they just can’t exceed that size. You can find a list of items you can and cannot bring here

5.       Going Through Security: Expect long lines at security. Each airport is different and traffic flows differently at different times, but we have rarely seen short security lines. Upon arrival to the airport, visit your airline’s desk to check your bag if you intend to check any bags under the plane. Bags larger than a carry-on must be checked.


Then go straight to the security check line. ~If you do have TSA precheck or Clear then you would join those lines which are different from the main security line. We often do try to skip the lines, but we travel quite a bit, so it is well worth it for us. ~ Have your boarding pass and ID ready to present to the TSA employees. Keep in mind, they try to keep these lines moving…. And fast! So, they may sound like they are rushing you. It’s always best to be prepared.


After they confirm your identity and ticket, then they will expect you to place all of the items you are taking on the plane into the machines to be scanned. They will ask you to take your shoes and jackets off as well as your belts. Anything in your pocket must be removed. That includes keys and phones. Electronics bigger than your phone will need to be placed in a separate bin. You will also be asked to walk into an x-ray machine to be scanned. Once you make it through and grab your things, it will then be time to find your gate. It is typically super easy to find your gate by following signs; however, the app also provides a map of your airport as well! Your gate will have seating outside of it and a screen letting you know when boarding will begin.


6.       Boarding: When it comes time to board the plane, they will call out “groups”. You can locate which group you are in by looking at your boarding pass. The employee will call groups 1-4 first and then groups 5-9 next. As you may expect, first class, business class, comfort plus, premium seating will all be called first. The main cabin will be called last. Be sure to listen to your group and board with your group to make the boarding process faster. Again, have your boarding pass ready to scan when your group is called. Some airports also ask for an ID, so it is always good to have this ready as well.

7.       Essential items: Make sure to pack all of your essentials in a carry-on bag. Such as medication, passports, germ-x, and anything else you know you will need. This can easily be forgotten. We also suggest packing a few changes of clothes in a carry-on bag to have just in case. Make sure you have all of your travel documents you may need.

8.       Hydration: Flying will dehydrate you. Be sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and after your flight. We enjoy using liquid IV’s which are more hydrating than water alone! You can also bring an empty bottle and fill them up from water stations throughout the airport.

9.       Comfort: Dress comfortably for your flight. Traveling by flying can turn into long days and you want to be comfortable. Bring any items that will help with your comfort. I recommend bringing a jacket because planes can be super cold despite if you are traveling to or from a warm destination. Additionally bring a neck pillow, earbuds, chargers, books, pre-downloaded movie, and any other items to aid in your comfort.

10.   Check Weight and Size of Bags: Each airline will have different restrictions for carry-on and checked bags. Make sure you review your airline’s specific restrictions on what carry-on items you can bring and the weight of checked bags. For example, Delta allows one carry-on that cannot exceed 22 X 14 X 9 and one personal item. Your checked bag cannot exceed 50 lbs.


Interested in learning more about international flight tips and airplane etiquette? Keep an eye out for future blogs about tips and tricks for both topics. We hope these 10 tips and information help with your first-time flying. As always, safe travels y’all! ~ Justin and Caitlin